2024 November shows HOME
2024-11-03 Ungawa
106.7 FM #1281
1 =>
the moontrekkers => night of the vampire =>
Parlophone 45
2 => les pieds-de-poule => le vampire =>
Polydor EP
3 => jo alan => le vampire => Vogue EP
4 => stella => si vous connaissez quelque
chose de pire qu'un vampire... => RCA Victor 45
5 => cecilia & ses ennuis => viens me
vampiriser => Telstar EP
6 => thee outlets => vampire of mine =>
Moody Monkey EP
7 => the del vamps => vampire beach =>
Repent 45
8 => satan's pilgrims => el vampiro =>
Estrus EP
9 => bis => secret vampires => Chemikal
Underground EP
10 => the meteors => my daddy is a vampire
=> Ace EP
11 => los dandies => dracula cha cha cha =>
Pop EP
12 => bruno martino => dracula cha cha =>
La Voce Dal Padrone EP
13 => bob azzam => dracula cha cha cha =>
Barclay 45
14 => henri salvador => dracula cha cha cha
=> Barclay EP
15 => spero e i crazy rock boys => muchela
dracula => Phonocolor 45
16 => beyond lickin' => dracula => Dirty
Track EP
17 => zz & de maskers => dracula =>
Artone 45
18 => christine pilzer => dracula => Silva
Screen EP
19 => the apemen => surf dracula =>
Demolition Derby EP
20 => the worst => dracula's daughter =>
Screaming Apple EP
21 => mike fantom & his bopa-tones =>
vampire baby => El Toro EP
22 => john zacherle => dinner with drac pt2
=> Cameo 45
23 => la chica yé yé => dracula yé yé =>
Sasham 45
24 => lee kristofferson => dinner with drac
=> Thrust 45
25 => the messer chups => dracula hates
photoshoots => Gitaracula 45
26 => les mortettes => crapula => Marlowe
27 => los cuchillos => noches de brujos en
transilvania => Groovie EP
28 => the mysterions => transylvania =>
Warwick 45
29 => jacks => blackula => Fuzz Overdose 45
30 => the detergents => igor's cellar =>
Kapp 45
31 => ernie freeman => theme from igor =>
Imperial 45
32 => los holy's => campo de vampiros =>
Electro Harmonix 10"
33 => jerry bryan => vampire daddy => Get
Off The Road LP
34 => the fuzztones => night of the vampire
=> Easy Action LP
35 => crystal fairy => vampire x-mass =>
Ipecac LP
36 => desechables => el vampiro => Munster
37 => björn famne => vampire => EMI Sweden
38 => the munsters => vampire vamp => Decca
39 => the belairs => vampire => Iloki LP
40 => stereophonic space sound unlimited =>
vampire walk => Dionysus LP
41 => the ghouls => dracula's deuce =>
California LP
42 => the montesas => igor's party =>
Kamikaze LP
43 => fleur => monsieur dracula =>
Bickerton LP
44 => the hotvill's => dracula => Vogue LP
45 => children of the night => dracula's
undying love => Pickwick LP
1 =>