2022 October shows                                HOME

2022-10-09 | 2022-10-23    

2022-10-09 Ungawa 106.7 FM 

1 => fleur => fais gaffe => Soundflat 45
2 => les robots => the 10 000 volt ghost strikes three times => Topsy Turvy 2LP
3 => gerhard heinz => kowalski’s revenge => Digatone LP
4 => the slow slushy boys => shotgun boo-ga-loo => Soundflat 45
5 => georges garvarentz => haschisch party => Fantomas LP
6 => peter roberts & the cliff dwellers => the ho-ho laughing monster => Rock-a-bye 45
7 => the webs => blue skies => Lite 45
8 => gary cane => after midnight => Shell 45
9 => the emperor => i’m normal => Current 45
10 => the webs => lost (cricket in my ear) => Lite 45
11 => mel smith => yes love => Rock-a-bye 45
12 => samy ray => chicken-riff => Ura 45
13 => the rockbusters => tough chick => Heliodor EP
14 => sam lazar => camp meetin’ => Argo 45
15 => john buck & the blazers => forbidden city => Heliodor EP
16 => the cravers => flavor craver => Chock 45
17 => shiny brothers => the brush => Doc 45
18 => jimmy flint & the stones => piasano => 45
19 => the frantics => straight flush => Dolton 45
20 => samy ray => midnight-melody => Ura 45
21 => sam lazar => i ain’t mad at you => Argo 45
22 => the cravers => windstorm => Chock 45
23 => sonora casino => astronautas a mercurio => Bully 2LP
24 => les robots => the war of les robots => Topsy Turvy 2LP
25 => true believers => death by freezing => Hozac 45
26 => catacombo => child of the night => Caltiki LP
27 => ty segall => rotten to the core => In The Red LP
28 => the death set => elephant => This Charming Man LP
29 => catacombo => fake youth culture => Caltiki LP
30 => fleur => le capharnaüm => Soundflat 45
31 => the slow slushy boys => why (i want to know) => Soundflat 45
32 => stormy gayle => flipsville => Staff 45
33 => johnny hector => mary lou => Chambers 45
34 => chuck leonard => diddley doo => Crackerjack 45
35 => elmo james => catfish blues => Jewel 45
36 => kay martin => come by sunday => Unart 45
37 => the volare brothers => bird-a-dog => Dot 45
38 => gerhard heinz => all you ever need is beat => Digatone LP
39 => michel legrand => soirée jerk chez les dumonceau => Fantomas LP
40 => les robots => the eastern market => Topsy Turvy 2LP
41 => ty segall => i’m a man => In The Red LP
42 => catacombo => outrophonic => Caltiki LP

2022-10-23 Ungawa 106.7 FM

1 => the addysmaddymaddys => montparnasse => Grey LP
2 => ghost bikini => spooks => Ravaging 45
3 => thee gravemen => haunted => Dirty Water 45
4 => the monsters => nightmare => Record Junkie EP
5 => the cramps => the creature from the black leather lagoon => Enigma 45
6 => the fuzztones => horror asparagus stories => Easy Action LP
7 => mel blanc => wish you were here => Buzza Candozo 6”
8 => lawrence welk => the addams family theme => Dot 45
9 => dave gardner => mad witch => Stag-o-lee 10”
10 => joe johnson => gila monster => Crypt LP
11 => lee ross => the mummy’s bracelet => Dig Up 10”
12 => big dee kornegay => at the house of frankenstein => Crypt LP
13 => the crewnecks => rockin’ zombie => Mr Manicotti LP
14 => jim burgett => split personality => Crypt LP
15 => morgus & the daringers => the morgus creep => Simpletone LP
16 => jimmy dee => the monster hop => Crypt LP
17 => jack and jim => midnight monster hop => Jukebox Music Factory LP
18 => john sowell => nightmares => Crypt LP
19 => yard trauma => watching monster movies => Munster 45
20 => the sweet nuthins => ghouls just wanna have fun => Outro LP
21 => tv party => pet cemetery => Outro LP
22 => the mystery lights => flowers in my hair, demons in my head => Wick LP
23 => surfin’ lungs => munster theme => La Herencia De Las Munster EP
24 => els morts => nicomedes => Jaguar EP ( =”Jack the ripper”)
25 => the twisted => sheez wicked => Midnight 45
26 => the bonecollectors => bela lugosi’s dead => Trash Wax LP
27 => the untamed => graveyard rats => Heptown 45
28 => strange hands => living dead => A Fistful Of Records EP
29 => the surreal feed => evil eye => Catweezle EP
30 => the mark iv => dante’s inferno => Mercury 45
31 => blues magoos => dante’s inferno => Mercury 45
32 => bill reddie => haunted house => Coral 45
33 => ted heath => swinging ghosts => Decca 45
34 => the monotones => the legend of sleepy hollow => Cadet 45
35 => the premonitions => she’s fallen in love with the monster man => Outro LP
36 => the burning bush => evil eye => Music Maniac LP
37 => the slop => halloween => Outro LP
38 => mondo x => dead => Trash Wax LP
39 => the rebel set => house on haunted hill => Outro LP
40 => the fuzztones => all black and hairy => Easy Action LP
41 => outro’s super-duper spooky supergroup => the mummy => Outro LP
42 => al caiola => experiment in terror => Simpletone LP
43 => the mystery lights => melt => Wick LP