2021 January shows
2021-01-03 | 2021-01-17 | 2021-01-31
2021-01-03 Ungawa 106.7 FM
TOP 20 albums 2020
1 => moonrite => let me be your god => Topsy
Turvy LP
2 => the voo-dooms => stop haunting me =>
Spinout Nuggets LP
3 => wild billy childish & the chatham singers
=> wiley coyote => Damaged Goods LP
4 => eric geevers => haunted 5 am => Grey LP
5 => garbage bags => bombshell => Trash Wax LP
6 => wild billy childish & ctmf => like an
inexplicable wheel => Damaged Goods LP
7 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => fat cat
eats rat => Spooky Sound
8 => the fuzztones => psilocybe => Cleopatra LP
9 => mondo x => happy halloween => Trash Wax LP
10 => l’exotighost => la ola oculta =>
Everlasting LP
11 => fleur => monsieur dracula => Bickerton LP
12 => the evil fuzzheads => lookin’ in the face of
evil => Soundflat LP
13 => the mings => writing on the wall =>
Soundflat LP
14 => les robots => the sound of saturn =>
Bickerton LP
15 => the bongolian => mojito time baby => Blow
16 => population ii => à la porte de demain =>
Castle Face LP
17 => miniskirt blues => city of people =>
Trash Wax LP
18 => slift => lions, tigers & bears =>
Vicious Circle LP
19 => les robots => do the chicken => Spazz LP
20 => the mystery lights => I’m so tired of living
in the city => Wick LP
TOP 5 reissue singles 2020
21 => sunshine theatre => mountain => Hyperloop
22 => the quests => shadows in the night =>
Hyperloop 45
23 => the paragons => abba => Altercat 45
24 => art guy => where you gonna go =>
Hyperloop 45
25 => douglas => si je buvais moins => Cameleon
TOP 10 compilations
26 => johnny parker & the zirkons => oongawa
=> Stag-o-lee 10”
27 => noro morales => safari => Stag-o-lee 10”
28 => jimmy & stan => tahiti => Jukebox
Music Factory LP
29 => jody reynolds => fire of love => B-Sharp
30 => the fouresters => the gronk => Headshake
31 => shel naylor => one fine day => Doghouse
& Bone LP
32 => the gamblers => moon dawg => El Toro LP
33 => the beach bitches => night of Elizabeth
=> Staubgold 2LP
34 => vernon harrell => slick chick =>
Stag-o-lee 2LP
35 => george barnes => spooky => Stag-o-lee 2LP
TOP 10 singles 2020
36 => wild billy childish & ctmf => all my
feelings denied => Damaged Goods 45
37 => marcel bontempi => downbound train =>
Twi-Lite 45
38 => dj aldolino => antwerp voodoo => Sacred
Love 45
39 => the schizophonics => black to comm => Pig
Baby 45
40 => stovepipe => never surrender => Jesus
Factory 45
41 => dj aldolino => antwerp curry => Sacred
Love 45
42 => fleur => petit homme de papier =>
Bickerton 45
43 => les robots => big trouble in outer space
=> Spazz 45
44 => les robots => invasion of the ara-bots =>
Topsy Turvy 45
45 => fleur & les robots => mais vraiment
=> Bickerton 45
46 => the mystery lights => can’t get through to
my head => Wick LP
47 => fleur & les robots => mon ami martien
=> Bickerton 45
2021-01-17 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => mooon => trouble =>
Excelsior LP
2 => the ghost => when you’re dead => Gemini 45
3 => elephants memory => don’t put me on trial no
more => Buddah 45
4 => rey anton & the pro form => premeditation
=> Parlophone 45
5 => jan rodhe & the wild ones => the mersey
beat => Show 45
6 => red prysock => rooster walk => Mercury 45
7 => the spacemen => moon safari => Show 45
8 => the garrys => relics => Grey LP
9 => moon => mary you wanna => Excelsior LP
10 => the future primitives => love at psychedelic
velocity => Casbah LP
11 => wild evel & the trashbones => telling
lies => Dirty Water LP
12 => esther sutherland => clock mambo =>
Jukebox Music Factory LP
13 => bb king => sixteen tons => Doghouse &
Bone LP
14 => big mama thornton => me and my chauffeur
=> Doghouse & Bone LP
15 => simba => louie louie => DiscAZ 45
16 => mickey & his mice => cracker jack =>
Jukebox Music Factory LP
17 => the vibrations => love in them there hills
=> Epic 45
18 => the chiefs => tom tom => Valiant 45
19 => the twisters => silly chili => Dual 45
20 => ronnie & the del-aires => drag =>
Coral 45
21 => ronnie & the del-aires => my funny
valentine => Coral 45
22 => the william loveday intention => a la mort
surbite => Damaged Goods LP
23 => the ar-kaics => sick & tired =>
Bachelor LP
24 => pintura fresca => shake => Crazy Apple
Boutique LP
25 => the dave peace union => seventh son =>
Crazy Apple Boutique LP
26 => yard trauma => little girl who left =>
Bona Fide LP
27 => los mustang 66 => perdedor => Groovie LP
28 => the ghost => indian maid => Gemini 45
29 => garden odyssey enterprise => sad &
lonely => Crazy Apple Boutique LP
30 => elephants memory => hot dog => Buddah 45
31 => rey anton & the pro form => now that
it’s over => Parlophone 45
32 => jan rodhe & the wild ones => everyday
=> Show 45
33 => the twisters => peppermint twist time =>
Dual 45
34 => the chiefs => how! => Valiant 45
35 => red prysock => 2 point 8 => Mercury 45
36 => the spacemen => lunik => Show 45
37 => the future primitives => have you been to
mars => Casbah LP
38 => mooon => surfin’ with you => Excelsior LP
39 => the garrys => danceland (come with me) =>
Grey LP
40 => wild evel & the trashbones => trashbones
=> Dirty Water LP
2021-01-31 Ungawa 106.7 FM
1 => the garry’s => healing
waters => Grey LP
2 => mooon => where money goes => Excelsior LP
3 => the future primitives => do the ostrich =>
Casbah LP
4 => juniore => grave => Outré LP
5 => wild billy childish & ctmf => like a
padlock in my hand => Damaged Goods 45
6 => the goldenhour => until i see you again =>
Detour 45
7 => cucumber => chris clubber => Cosmic Groove
8 => simba => louie louie => DiscAZ 45
9 => bobby ranger & the jailbirds => do the
jerk barefootin’ => Arcade 45
10 => the lincoln trio => garden of eden =>
Jukebox Music Factory LP
11 => the gamblers => lsd 25 => Moxie EP
12 => the maori hi five => putti putti =>
Jukebox Music Factory LP
13 => the gamblers => moon dawg! => Moxie EP
14 => al duncan => bawana jinde => Jukebox
Music Factory LP
15 => the avantis => gypsy surfer => Moxie EP
16 => the white birds => zoals je bent => Flora
17 => reggy van der burgt => speelbal in de wind
=> CNR 45 (= “puppet on a string”)
18 => frieda linzi => pompelmoes => RCA
45 (= “coconut woman”)
19 => ricardo santos => gitarren-mambo =>
Polydor 45
20 => legay => no one => Boss-a-tone LP
21 => dee jay & the runaways => peter rabbit
=> smash 45
22 => o-haras playboys => the ballad of the soon
departed => Boss-a-tone LP
23 => neil christian & the crusaders => oops
=> Strike 45
24 => yard trauma => alibi => Helter Skelter LP
25 => the asteroids => i’m gone => Moonshake 45
26 => the stomachmouths => don’t mess with my mind
=> Voxx LP
27 => the goldenhour => letter #709 => Detour
28 => cucumber => malyflow’s garden => Cosmic
Groove 45
29 => juniore => bizarre => Outré LP
30 => mooon => shark zone => Excelsior LP
31 => man or astroman => transmissions from uranus
=> One Louder LP
32 => thee shatners => mr sulu => Planet Pimp
33 => the vaqueros => echo => Moxie EP
34 => james booker => big nick => Peacock 45
35 => morocco => ela ‘tho => Jukebox Music
Factory LP
36 => bill haley & the comets => rudy’s rock
=> Brunswick 45
37 => harold & bob => jungle beat =>
Jukebox Music Factory LP
38 => los mustang 66 => huracan => Groovie LP
39 => yard trauma => pressure => Helter Skelter
40 => the future primitives => zig zag wanderer
=> Casbah LP
41 => the stomachmouths => teenage caveman =>
Voxx LP