2017 May shows
2017-05-14 | 2017-05-28
2017-05-14 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
1 => la muerte
=> headhunter => Mottow Sound LP
2 => the experimental tropic blues band =>
straight to the top => Jaune Orange 2LP
3 => powersolo => zasquatch => Crunchy Frog LP
4 => powersolo => satisfy the man => Crunchy
Frog LP
5 => the experimental tropic blues band => do it
to me => Jaune Orange LP
6 => crushed out => big woolly => Cool Clear
Water LP
7 => the satelliters => driving sideways in a
one-way street => Soundflat LP
8 => charlie barnes => ogoun badagris (voodoo war
god) => Stag-o-lee 10”
9 => hot lips page => harlem rhumbain’ the blues
=> Stag-o-lee 10”
10 => walt disney => the tiki tiki tiki room =>
Disneyland 45
11 => barry gray => joe 90 main theme => PRT 45
12 => josef laufer => fever => Supraphon 45
13 => flamingo => jany, jany => Supraphon 45
14 => the reign => zippered up heart => Norton
15 => the mourning after => money where your mouth
is => Heavy Soul 45
16 => the witchdoktors => eat my eye => One
Louder 45
17 => strange hands => last time around => A
Fistful Of Records EP
18 => the black belles => lies => Third Man 45
19 => michael parrett => last years model =>
Heavy Soul 45
20 => the charles napiers => diamonds => Nana
21 => dc fontana & don fardon => pentagram man
=> Heavy Soul 45
22 => baby charles => coming from a higher place
=> Record Kicks 45
23 => the witchdoktors => spaceship girl => One
Louder 45
24 => strange hands => ghost => A Fistful Of
Records EP
25 => the black belles => what can i do? =>
Third Man 45
26 => michael parrett => television => Heavy
Soul 45
27 => the mourning after => get wrong off me =>
Heavy Soul 45
28 => paul orwell => hypnotize => Heavy Soul 45
29 => the karla milton collective => jack is back
=> Heavy Soul 45
30 => baby charles => back of my hand => Record
Kicks 45
31 => movie star junkies => requiem pour un con
=> Kizmiaz 45
32 => the romleys => et moi et moi et moi =>
Heavy Soul EP
33 => gli avvoltoi => quando vuoi scappare =>
Destination X 45 (= “Get yourself together”)
34 => gli avvoltoi => sono un uomo =>
Discoverix 45 (= “I’m a man”)
35 => the charles napiers => heart full of soul
=> Nana EP
36 => the horrors => gloves => Loog 45
37 => johnny thunders & patti palladin => she
wants to mambo => Jungle 45
2017-05-28 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)
1 => ken
nordine => olive => Asphodel CD
2 => the guaranteed ugly => little girl lost =>
Wild Wild 45
3 => the splash 4 => action => Wild Wild 45
4 => the jet bumpers => sex beat => Radio Blast
5 => the experimental tropic blues band => no fun
=> Jaune Orange 45
6 => heretics => search and destroy => Get Hip
7 => the strypes => kick out the jams => Virgin
8 => sham 69 => you’re a better man than i =>
Polydor 45
9 => spinout => interstellar overdrive =>
Dionysus 45
10 => the electric ferrets => green slime =>
Dionysus 45
11 => the comedown => at the discotheque =>
Kelt EP
12 => johnny teen & the broken hearts => she
stinks of sex => Green Fez 45
13 => banda basura => city of people => Toro
14 => naast => mauvais garcon => Source Etc 45
15 => banda basura => someday => Toro promo
16 => the sugar freaks => summertime (at the
beach) => Dionysus 45
17 => max harris => pancho => Fontana 45
18 => jay mcshann => voodoo woman blues =>
Stag-o-lee 10”
19 => sidney bechet & his new orleans feetwarmers
=> rip up the joint => Stag-o-lee 10”
20 => jack costanzo => cat walk => Stag-o-lee
21 => automatic city => havana moon =>
Stag-o-lee LP
22 => jack hammer => concrete desert =>
Stag-o-lee LP
23 => bo diddley => congo => Memento Mori LP
24 => automatic city => bongoes and tremoloes
=> Stag-o-lee LP
25 => automatic city => satisfied => Stag-o-lee
26 => the tia juanas => llamada de selva =>
Memento Mori LP
27 => the harry roche constellation => pinball
wizard => Sequel 2LP
28 => ug & the cavemen => mean teen mama =>
Media Burn LP
29 => thee milkshakes => club m.i.c. => Media
Burn LP
30 => thee milkshakes => black sails in the
moonlight => Media Burn LP
31 => moar => forty 5 => Belly Button LP
32 => the fuzztones & craig moore => death of
an angel => Bang! 2LP
33 => the troup => i’m going away =>
Break-a-way 10”
34 => the d-men => boom boom => Break-a-way LP
35 => gary burton => vibrafinger => Atlantic
36 => naast => mauvais garcon (instr.) =>
Source Etc 45
37 => the guaranteed ugly => patchwork man =>
Wild Wild 45
38 => the sex organs => itch => Voodoo Rhythm
39 => powersolo => I don’t want assistance =>
Crunchy Frog LP
40 => the experimental tropic blues band =>
t.e.t.b.b. eat sushi => Jaune Orange LP
41 => cut in the hill gang => please gimme
something => Stag-o-lee LP
42 => the masonics => don’t torment me => Grand
Wazeau LP
43 => the prisoners => melanie => Media Burn LP