2014 July shows HOME
2014-07-13 Ungawa 106.7 FM (2-hours show)
1 => cee bee beaumont => martini stomp
=> Damaged Goods EP
2 => cee bee beaumont => surplus to requirements =>
Big City EP
3 => cosmic psychos => lead me astray => What Goes
4 => the lords of altamont => she cried => Fargo LP
5 => the lords of altamont => faded black =>
Gearhead LP
6 => the lords of altamont => i’m alive => Fargo LP
7 => the montesas => c’mon babe => Larsen LP
8 => the montesas => igor’s party => Kamikaze LP
9 => the montesas => have love will travel =>
Soundflat LP
10 => the montesas => i don’t love you => Soundflat
11 => the sonics => pushin’ too hard => Fan Club LP
12 => the sonics => busy body => Norton LP
13 => the sonics => open up yer door => Bomp LP
14 => the sonics => you got your head on backwards
=> Beat Rocket LP
15 => the sonics => wake me, shake me => Munster LP
16 => the sonics => the witch => Etiquette 45
17 => early mankey => crazy => Bronze 45
18 => the a-bones => little school boy => Norton LP
19 => the royal flares => powered by love => Little
Teddy EP
20 => sleaford mods => mr jolly fucker => Fourth
Dimension 45
21 => vibrasonic => the sea of stars => Yep! 45
22 => adolphe sex & ses machines => burnt toast
=> Stag-o-lee EP
23 => the monsters => I want you => Squoodge 45
24 => the miracle workers => you don’t know =>
Moxie EP
25 => cee bee beaumont => peanut brittle => Big
City EP
26 => cee bee beaumont => the cloudsley plan =>
Damaged Goods EP
27 => the peter laine orchestra => patatas =>
Belgian 45
28 => los quando’s => murmullo en la selva =>
Columbia EP
29 => leon haywood => soul cargo pt2 => Fat Fish 45
30 => karo => un garcon en mini-jupe => Vedettes 45
31 => harold nicholas => personne que toi =>
Barclay 45 (=”Nobody but you”)
32 => karo => va-t’en => Vedettes 45
33 => adolphe sex & ses machines => machines =>
Stag-o-lee EP
34 => miracle workers => psycho => Moxie EP
35 => the tarriers => no hidin’ place = Glory 45
36 => boots brown => dynamite => Vee-Tone LP
37 => cumparsa universiaria de la laguna => zoologico
negro => Floridita LP
38 => dc washington => the Mohawk => Vee-Tone LP
39 => terry & jerry => mama julie => Pancho LP
40 => harper-brinson band => harper’s return =>
Vee-Tone LP
41 => midnight movers unltd => follow the wind pt2
=> Barclay 45
2014-07-27 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(2-hours show)