2012 March shows                                HOME

2012-03-04  |  2012-03-11  |  2012-03-18  |  2012-03-25

2012-03-04 Ungawa 106.7 FM

1 => les charlots => albert => Vogue EP
2 => noel deschamps => curieux docteur  => RCA-Victor EP (=”I’m your witchdoctor”)
3 => marc Hamilton => la question => Carrere 45
4 => rita => sexologie => Barclay 45
5 => les miserables => chemises a pois, cravattes a fleur => No Tyme LP
6 => Ronnie bird => fais attention => Decca EP (=”Find my way back home”)
7 => les lutins => donne-moi raison => Disques du Monde LP
8 => Richard Anthony => comment tu fais => Columbia EP (=”Sand”)
9 => the haunted => vapeur mauve => Voxx LP (=”Purple haze”)
10 => cleo => et toi, et moi, et soie => Vogue EP
11 => Jacques dutronc => sur une nappe de restaurant => Vogue EP
12 => joel  simon => j’ai ete voir sa mere => Passe-Partout 45
13 => Jacques denjean => dans le vent => Polydor EP
14 => claude righi => mini-jupe et monokini => Riviera EP
15 => Harold Nicholas => hully folie gully => Barclay EP (=”Can’t you do it”)
16 => les bof => chante => Copasedisques EP (=”I can only give you everything”)
17 => the evil thingies => tu es impossible => Tear It Up EP (=”I can only give you everything”)
18 => stereo total  => aua => Little Teddy EP
19 => Cecilia et ses ennuis => avec les garcons => Hillsdale EP
20 => les pirates => le jet => Bel-Air 45
21 => jo alan => le pacha => Vogue 45
22 => les yper-sound => too fortiche => Fontana EP
23 => the liminanas => migas 2000 => HoZac 45

2012-03-11 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(Sonny Vincent interview + Primitive Sounds studio interview)


2012-03-18 Ungawa 106.7 FM 

1 => the Spartan dreggs => the physics of blown sand and desert dunes => Damaged Goods LP
2 => jay walker effort => paper dolls => Coney Dog LP
3 => hawkwind => the psychedelic warlords => United Artists 45
4 => golden boys => o feiticeiro => Fuzzadelic LP  (=”Love potion number nine”)
5 => Martha carson  => now stop => Penny LP
6 => jose salcy => les filles chats => Fuzzadelic LP
7 => the sheltons => the cat => Titty Twist LP
8 => eartha kitt => Honolulu rock-a-roll-a => Penny LP
9 => Johnny Talbot => do the broken hip  => Titty Twist LP
10 => the real don steele => tina delgato is alive => Titty Twist LP
11 => the bonnie sisters => cry baby => Penny LP
12 => little joe & the mustangs => south swell => Titty Twist LP
13 => big bob taylor => flyin’ high after hours => Crypt 45
14 => b.g. ramblers => exit stage left => Titty Twist LP
15 => the monotones => zombi => Penny LP
16 => blind blake & the royal Victoria hotel calypsos => monkey song => Penny LP
17 => ike turner => she made my blood run cold => Penny LP
18 => dave Bartholomew => the monkey  => Penny LP
19 => the wild-cats => gazachstahagen => United Artists 45
20 => the valiants => don’t wanna leave the congo => Penny LP
21 => the wild-cats => billy’s cha cha => United Artists 45
22 => the ebonettes => wild man walk => Penny LP
23 => the big bopper => monkey song => Penny LP
24 => big twist => rocket-bye-bye => Polydor EP
25 => big bob taylor => wowsville => Crypt 45

2012-03-25 Ungawa 106.7 FM  (2-hours show)

1 => big boss man => kelvin stardust => Blow Up LP
2 => david holmes => not their fight => OST
3 => david holmes => 11, 12 & 13 => OST
4 => the bongolian => saturn’s eye => Blow Up LP
5 => big boss man => ooh my gawd => Blow Up LP
6 => david holmes => benedict returns => OST
7 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => nassau shakedown => Dionysus LP
8 => david holmes => kensington chump => OST
9 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => emerald coast => Dionysus LP
10 => the liminanas => tigre du bengale (instr.) => Trouble In Mind LP
11 => the men from spectre => the india crowd => Sheep LP
12 => david holmes => laptops => OST
13 => the men from spectre => short trigger => Sheep LP
14 => fifty foot combo => theme from facts => Drunkabilly LP
15 => fifty foot combo =>  dr. Hammond’s private stash => Drunkabilly LP
16 => the messer chups =>two minutes to massacre => Copasedisques LP
17 => david holmes => zippo’s => OST
18 => the messer chups => hinocilin => Copasedisques LP
19 => david holmes => s*** ! s*** ! s*** ! => OST
20 => the men from spectre => with the finger on the trigger => Sheep LP
21 => the bongolian => flight through the five galaxies => Blow Up LP
22 => david holmes => dice men => OST
23 => trio valore => fuoco => Record Kicks LP
24 => david holmes => diamond location
25 => big boss man => money => Blow Up LP
26 => david holmes => the nose => OST
27 => the men from spectre => theme form ‘me the target’ => Sheep LP
28 => puccio roelens => caravan => OST
29 => trio valore => el compadre => Record Kicks LP
30 => david holmes => grand opening => OST
31 => the men from spectre => way to san bruno => Sheep LP
32 => david holmes => earthquake => OST
33 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => samea patrol => Dionysus LP
34 => david holmes => fender roads => OST
35 => stereoscope jerk explosion => true bidule => Cosmic Groove LP
36 => the charles napiers => harry sledge => One Million Dollar LP
37 => the bongolian => freddie’s dreaming => Blow Up LP
38 => david holmes => snake eyes => OST
39 => fantomas pop => auf wiedersehen, stefan => demo
40 => david holmes => all sewn up => OST
41 => the messer chups => a plateful brain => Ipecac CD
42 => stereophonic space sound unlimited => crimeville => Dionysus LP
43 => the motherhood => soul town => OST
44 => frank sinatra => this town => OST
45 => nancy sinatra => this town => Reprise 45