2012 February shows                                HOME

2011-02-05  |  2011-02-12  |  2011-02-19  |  2011-02-26

2012-02-05 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(45s from Tomorrow to Trash: pt 65)

1 => tomorrow => revolution => Parlophone 45
2 => tonto & the renegades => little boy blue => Misty Lane 45
3 => patrick topaloff => hou la la => Disques Fleche 45
4 => tonia => un peu de poivre, un peu de sel => Decca EP
5 => rey tony => a-me-ri-ca => Ronnex 45
6 => tony the londoner => from me to you => Teenager 45
7 => tony & tyrone => turn it on => Columbia 45
8 => the top hits => the top hits twist => Show 45
9 => the toppettes => tequila => Cid 45
10 => the tops => i found you => Arsis 45
11 => topsy turbys => snake woman => Dionysus 45
12 => mel torme => right now => Atlantic 45
13 => the tornados => robot => Decca 45
14 => joanne touchstone => she caught me off guard => Sound 7 Stage 45
15 => the tradewinds => club seventeen => Red Bird 45
16 => the tower => slow motion mind => Decca 45
17 => traffic => gimme some lovin' pt1 => Island 45
18 => phil trainer => beautiful jim > Basf 4
19 => trane => mansion of cards => BBC 45
20 => transatlantics => run for your life => King 45
21 => the trappers => i couldn't see her => Garageland 45
22 => the trashmen => a-bone => Columbia 45
23 => rene touzet => ticklish mambo => Gene Norman Presents 45

2012-02-12 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(45s from Travis to Turbo: pt66)

1 => the travis justis group => i need love => Epic 45
2 => traxter => glandular fever => Immediate 45
3 => the tremeloes => instant whip => CBS 45
4 => the tree swimmers => a kookie little paradise => Music Service 45
5 => the tremolos => the shake => Jazz Annie 45
6 => the trend => shot on sight => Page One 45
7 => t-rex => solid gold easy action => EMI 45
8 => the treniers => doin' 'em up => Epic 45
9 => los 3 sudamericanos => yeh, yeh => Belter EP
10 => tr-5 => shirley, shirley => Kapp 45
11 => the trolls => every day and every night => Abc 45
12 => trinity => el cumbanchero => Pink Elephant 45
13 => tritons => drifter => International 45
14 => trio athenee => chez les grecs => Vogue EP
15 => trio candido => the baby elephant walk => Pacific EP
16 => the troggs => you're lying => Fontana 45
17 => the tropicals => african fever => Blue Jeans 45
18 => doris troy => bossa nova blues => Atlantic 45
19 => trumpet boy => le blue beat => Philips 45
20 => the tune rockers => the green mosquito => United Artists 45
21 => ernest tucker => cowboy hop => Jubilee 4
22 => tuff jack => tuff jack => Capitol 45
23 => the turbans => the lament of silver gulch => Imperial 45
24 => the turbo-jets => far east cha cha cha => Federal 45

2012-02-19 Ungawa 106.7 FM

1 => insanity's horse => to the editor => Coney Dog LP
2 => raiders => sorceress with blue eyes => CBS 45
3 => almanack => hello => Coney Dog LP
4 => paul revere & the raiders => tighter => CBS 45
5 => hell preachers inc. => turn turn => Europa LP
6 => the blue chips => where => Boaring 45
7 => the quiet jungle => everything => Yorkville 45
8 => the blue chips => keep looking for love => Boaring 45
9 => hell preachers inc. => let me shoot you => Europa LP
10 => pierced arrows => keep pushing => Tombstone 45
11 => springwell => gypsy woman => Fuzzadelic LP
12 => chico arnez => would i? => Titty LP
13 => the blue echoes => it's witchcraft => Bon 45
14 => the hollywood persuaders => thunderbird => Titty LP
15 => the sheltons => the cat => Titty LP
16 => brigitt => da beisst ein goldfisch an => Grosse Freiheit LP
17 => annie philippe => c'est la mode => Philips EP
18 => dalida => si j'avais des millions => Barclay EP (="If I were a rich man")
19 => jacky mouliere => commande baby => Salvador EP
20 => frank alamo => heureux tous les deux => Riviera 45 (="Happy together")
21 => sammy & the five notes => african cha cha => Titty LP
22 => the hunters => tiger shake => Titty LP

2012-02-26 Ungawa 106.7 FM

1 => les terribles => tes yeux
2 => les bof => femme impossible
3 => sektrevolver => restons francais, soyons gaulois
4 => dutronc => on nous cache tous, on nous dit rien
5 => les sansculottes => dr.jekyll & mr.hyde
6 => curlee wurlee => les cornichons
7 => the wangs => les anciens presidents
8 => the liminanas => tigre du bengale
9 => stereoscope jerk explosion => jerk a la vague
10 => stereo total => touche-moi
11 => the green hornets => je veux un rendezvos
12 => the montesas => je veux etre noir
13 => les dragueurs => plaque
14 => fantomas pop => chupa chups
15 => les cryptones => si tu reviens chez moi
16 => les kitschenette's => la fermeture-eclair (="In the past")
17 => les terribles => pourquoi je pleure (="Why do I cry")
18 => peripherique est => derate
19 => taxi => je tombe en bas
20 => benny gordini => rhythm 'n blues anti-bourgeois