2011 May shows HOME
2011-05-01 | 2011-05-08 | 2011-05-15 | 2011-05-22 | 2011-05-29
1 => the don
harrison band => sixteen tons => Atlantic 45
2 => force ten => scotch on the rocks => Decca 45
3 => the young savages => bengawan solo => Omega 45
4 => the jets => mister kiss kiss bang bang => Fontana
5 => the motions => why don't you take it => Havoc 45
6 => the zipps => marie-juana => Relax 45
7 => tages => leaving here => Delta 45
8 => the sharks => hey komm in den club => Polydor 45
9 => los piratos => na-na-na-he-he! => Decca 45
10 => los stop => el remo => Belter 45
11 => the invaders => stop teasing => Columbia 45
12 => friends => mythological sunday => Deram 45
13 => the web => harold dubble you => Deram 45
14 => casey & the pressure group => venus =>
Philips 45
15 => claes dieden => da doo ron ron => Olga 45
16 => eddie fontaine => middle of the road => Champ 45
17 => gene summers => straight skirt => Lost-Nite 45
18 => the hickories => teen beat => Bell 45
19 => earl bostic => you go to my head => Omega 45
20 => gene summers => school of rock 'n' roll =>
Lost-Nite 45
21 => the jets => thunderball => Fontana 45
22 => the zipps => dutch milk, the struggle for ice cold
milk of benzi the bass player or how to promote original dutch
milk => Relax 45
23 => benny hill => ernie, the fastest milkman in the west
=> Columbia 45
24 => force ten => break a leg => Decca 45
Ungawa 106.7 FM
(45s from Pr... to Py...: pt 44)
1 => perez prado => guaglione
=> RCA-Victor 45 '59
2 => louis prima => beep! beep! => Capitol 45
3 => lloyd price => mailman blues => ABC-Paramount 45
4 => the primitives => the ostrich => Pickwick City
5 => the princetons => georgianna => Colpix 45 '65
6 => the alan price set => the time has come => Decca
45 '68
7 => p.j. proby => wicked woman => Liberty 45 '64
8 => elvis presley => night rider => RCA 45
9 => james & bobby purify => shake a tail feather
=> Flashback 45
10 => les pros => patrick-jerk => Boum Bas Bomo 45
11 => prince of badminton => apollo => CBS 45
12 => the premiers => duffy's blues => Warner Bros 45
13 => the pretty things => judgment day => Fontana 45
14 => pro-cromagnum => neurotic saga => Polydor 45
15 => mike proctor => mr. commuter => Columbia 45 '67
16 => terrell prude => frog-eyes => Tangerine 45 '66
17 => red prysock => zonked => Mercury 45
18 => dwight pullen => teenage bug => Carlton 45 '61
19 => vern pullens => it's my life => Spade 45 '56
20 => tito puente => mambolino => Riviera 45
21 => the pygmies => don't monkey with tarzan =>
Liberty 45 '63
22 => the pyramids => pyramid stomp => Best 45 '63
23 => the purple cucumber => some kind of magic =>
Smash 45 '68
Ungawa 106.7 FM
(45s from Q to Randy: pt 45)
1 => les quatre voix => rue des
coeurs perdus => Echo 45 (="Lonesome town")
2 => Q65 => it came to me => Decca 45
3 => christine quaite => in the middle of the floor
=> WBS 45 '64
4 => rex qual => good rocking tonight => Apache 45
5 => the quotations => ala-men-sy => Popular Request
45 '61
6 => quick brown fox => workin' on my thing =>
Roulette 45
7 => question mark & the mysterians => girl you
captivate me => Stateside 45 '67
8 => tono quirazco => pastando en la colina => Orfeon
45 '68
9 => kemal rachid => loukoum => Philips 45
10 => r & the r's => hunga hunga => Ideal 45 '70
11 => the rackets => she's got it => Elite Special 45
12 => the racket squad => suburban life => Jubilee 45
13 => the rainbows =>that boy john => sloopy poopy
=> Dino 45 '64
14 => the raindrops => that boy john => London 45 '63
15 => marvin rainwater => hot and cold => MGM 45 '56
16 => the ramblers => just for chicks => Decca 45
17 => ric ramon => le barman du diable => Panorama 45
18 => the don randi trio => hang loose => Reprise 45
19 => the ramrods => soul train pt2 => Rampage 45 '72
20 => boots randolph => bongo band => RCA 45
21 => randy & the holidays => living doll =>
Hidckory 45 '67
22 => luther randolph & johnny stiles => cross roads
pt1 => Cameo Parkway 45
23 => Q65 => the life i live => Decca 45
24 => randy & the rainbows => denise => Philips
45 '63
1 => janko nilovic
=> man of genius => Vadim Music LP '11
2 => janko nilovic => push push => Vadim Music LP '11
3 => eduardo araujo => juazeiro => NoSmoke LP '11
4 => vanuza => hey joe => NoSmoke LP '11
5 => jackie delmone => imitations => La Classe
Internationale LP '11
6 => patrick samson => gloria => La Classe
Internationale LP '11
7 => les sharks => mongo => La Classe Internationale LP
8 => les surfs => je te pardonne => Festival EP (="Baby
I love you")
9 => conrad springel => snapez a mes cotes => President
EP '64
10 => le ry-co jazz => kedi jessy wa madidina => Vogue
EP '69
11 => the belles combo of dominica => instant groove =>
Trex 45 '73
12 => janko nilovic => hippocampus => Vadim Music LP
13 => janko nilovic => open country => Vadim Music LP
14 => brian auger, julie driscoll & the trinity =>
i've got life => Marmalade 45
15 => the tokens => big boat => RCA 45
16 => hazel scott => take me, take me => Decca 45
17 => chuck rio => margarita => La Classe
Internationale LP '11
18 => jenny rock => le train pour memphis => La Classe
Internationale LP '11
19 => jimmy riddle => let's go => London 45 '62
20 => flavio kurt => walderei walderea => NoSmoke
LP '11
21 => edy star => a bem da verdade => NoSmoke LP '11
22 => p.p. arnold => life is but nothing => Immediate
23 => rangers => 4 on the floor => Fast 45 '61
24 => burt blanca => long black jacket => Blue Jeans 45
1 => the
challengers => deadline => Paris Hollywod LP
2 => the debonaires => the bonecracker => Paris
Hollywood LP
3 => les chakachas => twist hula => Paris Hollywood LP
4 => the four finks => wiki wiki woo => Paris Hollywood
5 => vince & the victors => some kind of drums =>
Paris Hollywood LP
6 => cleveland crochet => sugar bee => Rent House LP
7 => silvetler => kasik havasi => Moctezuma's Temple Of
Records LP
8 => manito => sock it to 'em j.b. => NoSmoke LP
9 => janko nilovic => drug song => Vadim Music LP
10 => tony & frankye => vou procurar o meu lugar =>
NoSmoke LP
11 => walter williams show => the cat => King Novelty
12 => lloyd nolen => fun fun => King Novelty 10"
13 => melvin davis => this ain't the way => King
Novelty 10"
14 => la petite lily => je n'aime pas la choucroute =>
La Classe Internationale LP
15 => billy bizarre => house of the rising sun ska =>
Paris Hollywood LP
16 => the tramps => murder => Paris Hollywood LP
17 => the saints => pigtails => Paris Hollywood LP
18 => john lee hooker => i need some money => Rent
House LP
19 => boo boo bunkie => this old town => La Classe
Internationale LP
20 => janko nilovic => black swan lake => Vadim Music
21 => vic flick => zulu maid => Moctezuma's Temple Of
Records LP
22 => lena rios => sem essa aranha => NoSmoke LP
23 => t-model ford => i love juke joint blues => Rent
House LP