2009 April shows HOME
2009-04-05 | 2009-04-12 | 2009-04-19 | 2009-04-26
1° => mandrake
=> mandrake => 7" on Columbia 4-41858
2° => ronnie isle & the yo yo's => hassie => 7" on
Okey 4-7148
3° => jimmy jones => itchin' => 7" on Cub K9076
4° => the play boys => crazy daisy => 7" on Imperial
5° => red prysock => zip => 7" on Mercury 70787
6° => the royal tones => wail! => 7" on Jubilee 15030
7° => mickey hawks & moon mullins => bib bop boom
=> 7" on Profile 4002
8° => googie rene => little cupid blues => 7" on
Rendezvous R-144
9° => tarheel slim => number 9 train => 7" on Charly
10° => rune overman => beatnik walk => 7" on Stacy 970
11° => the mark ii => confusion => 7" on Roulette
12° => the play boys => sweet talk => 7" on Imperial
13° => the royal tones => poor boy => 7" on Jubilee
14° => tarheel slim => roughdried woman => 7" on Charly
15° => red prysock => red speaks => 7" on Mercury 70787
16° => ronnie isle & the yo yo's => the flame's gone
out => 7" on Okey 4-7148
17° => mickey hawks & moon mullins => rock and roll
rhythm => 7" on Profile 4002
18° => rune overman => smorgasbord => 7" on Stacy 970
19° => the wonder who => sassy => 7" on Philips 40324
20° => mandrake => the witch's twist => 7" on Columbia
21° => roosevelt grier => slow drag => 7" on MGM K13698
22° => the jokers => zet die tv af! => 7" on Philips
23° => le petit prince => chante avec moi => 7"EP on
Riviera 231019 '66
24° => danyel gerard => monsieur le percepteur => 7"EP
on DiscAZ EP1019
25° => boots randolph => bongo band => 7" on RCA
26° => the surfers => tahiti => 7" on HiFi 574
27° => jimmy jones => ee-i ee-i-oh! => 7" on Cub K9076
28° => boots randolph => big daddy => 7" on RCA 47-7835
1 => b.b. king
=> get off my back woman => 7" on Bluesway 45-61026
2 => ramsey lewis => jungle strut => 7" on Columbia
3-10103 '74
3 => bohannon => the pimp walk => 7" on Brunswick
640032 '73
4 => the jimmy castor bunch => dracula pt2 => 7" on
Atlantic 45-3375
5 => the natural four => it's the music => 7" on Curtom
6 => the rockets => walkin' home => 7" on Columbia
7 => the marketts => groovin' time => 7" on World
Pacific 77899
8 => buddy merrill => the worm => 7" on Accent AC1171
9 => bobby peterson quintet => rockin' charlie pt2 =>
7" on V-Tone 210
10 => the spacemen => movin' up => 7" on Alton 300
11 => the tornados => love and fury => 7"EP on Decca
12 => the woodchucks => angry generation => 7" on
Prince PR-6514
13 => the tornados => pop'eye twist => 7'EP on Decca
14 => the woodchucks => bo-dacious => 7" on Prince
15 => the rockets => gibraltar rock => 7" on Columbia
16 => the royaltones => seesaw => 7" on Jubilee 45-5362
17 => the roosters => chicken hop => 7" on Shar-dee
18 => chuck berry => liverpool drive => 7" on Funckler
19 => fats domino => wigs => 7" on ABC-Paramount 10531
20 => the royaltones => little bo => 7" on Jubilee
21 => the roosters => fun house => 7" on Shar-dee
22 => norma tanega => walkin' a cat named dog => 7" on
New Voice 807
23 => the teenettes => i want a boy with a hi-fi
supersonic stereophonic bloop bleep => 7" on Brunswick
24 => the mccoys => i got to go back => 7" on Bang 538
1 => john phillip
soul => that memphis thing => 7" on Pepper 441 '68
2 => wombat => i'm gettin' on life => 7" on Gemni A172
3 => oscar mclollie => let me know, let me know => 7"
on Hi-Oldies 406
4 => the dovells => you can't sit down => 7" on Parkway
P867 '63
5 => lloyd price => mailman blues => 7" on
ABC-Paramount 45-9653 '55
6 => joe turner => i need a girl => 7"EP on Pama PA4110
7 => burt blanca & ses guitares magiques => rocking
the twelve eight => 7"EP on Le Voix De Son Maitre EMF335 '63
8 => the cousins => swingova => 7" on Palette PB40184
9 => zutty singleton => drum face => 7" on Vogue
10 => ike & tina turner => this man's crazy => 7"EP
on Sue ENS-1
11 => joe turner => love roller coaster => 7"EP on Pama
12 => joe turner => midnight special train => 7"EP on
Pama PA4110
13 => the dovells => wildwood days => 7" on Parkway
P867 '63
14 => john phillip soul => the soul strut => 7" on
Pepper 441 '68
15 => tommy wills => night train '66 style => 7" on
Air-Town 001 '66
16 => jerryo => (funky) four corners => 7" on
Boo-ga-loo 466
17 => small faces => wham bam thank you man => 7" on
Immediate 4C006-90194 '69
18 => the transatlantics => run for your life => 7" on
King KG1033 '66
19 => underground sunshine => birthday => 7" on
Intrepid 75002 '69
20 => art collection => i go to school => 7" on
Sundazed S119 (orig. '66)
21 => the fanatics => woman => 7" on Caped Crusader
22 => the chaps => she ain't coming back => 7" on His
Master's Voice GBP209 '67
23 => mick jagger => natural magic => 7" on Decca
F13067 '70
24 => underground sunshine => all i want is you => 7"
on Intrepid 75002
25 => the fanatics => i can't go on => 7" on Caped
Crusader CC-75
26 => burt blanca & ses guitares magiques => magic
star => 7"EP on Le Voix De Son Maitre EMF335 '63
27 => tommy wills => honky tonk '66 style 7" on Air-Town
001 '66
Ungawa 106.7 FM
2-hours show
1 => billy the kid
emerson => red hot => comp "Roots of rock vol 3" Charly
CR30103 '76 (orig. '55)
2 => muddy waters => you need love => comp "You heard
it here first" Ace CDCHD1204 '08 (orig. '62)
3 => radio moscow => just don't know => LP "Brain
cycles" Alive 0093-1 '09
4 => the experimentel tropic blues band => i'm gonna try
=> LP "Captain boogie" Jaune Orange JO016 '09
5 => davie allan & the arrows => rape => LP "Cycle
breed" Sundazed LPS204 '08 (orig. '68)
6 => serge gainsbourg => en melody => LP "Histoire de
Melody Nelson" Philips 6325071 '71
7 => the lords of altamont => no love lost => LP "The
Altamont sin" Gearhead RPM083 '08
8 => the vicars => don't try to tell me => LP "Back on
the streets" Dirty Water DWC1023LP '09
9 => the fuzztones => black lightning light => LP
"Horny as hell" Electrique Mud MUD001-1 '08
10 => goblin => suspiria => OST "Suspiria" Dagored
RED127-1 '00 (orig. '77)
11 => pure love & pleasure => relax => LP "A record
of pure love & pleasure" Stateside SSLM-6107 '70
12 => sky saxon & purple electricity => sky's theme
=> LP "Private party" Voxx VXS200.041 '86
13 => 13th floor elevators => you don't know => comp "I
can see for miles" Mojo APRIL2009 '09
14 => decades => i'm gonna dance => comp "Skeletons in
the closet/Off the wall 2" Past & Present PAPRCD2092 '09
15 => berurier noir => mineurs en danger => CD "Viva
bertaga" Folklore De La Zone Mondiale FZM006 '04
16 => baris manco & kaygizislar => trip (fairground)
=> comp "Hava narghile" Bacchus Archives BA1162 '09
17 => gougoush => respect => comp "Raks raks raks" Raks
Discos 001 '09
18 => m. ashraf => mera mehbob hai => comp "The sound
of wonder!" Finders Keepers FKR023LP '09
19 => the attack => feel like flying => comp "Rare mod"
Acid Jazz AJXLP211 '09
20 => sons of fred => sweet love => comp "Pop sike pipe
dreams - Rubble 2" Past & Present PAPRLP002
21 => bamboo shot => the fox has gone to ground => comp
"Nightmares in wonderland - Rubble 3" Past & Present
22 => sharon tandy & fleur de lys => hold on =>
comp "All the colours of darkness - Rubble 8" Past & Present
23 => dragonfly => celestial empire => comp "Plastic
wilderness - Rubble 9" Past & Present PAPRLP009
24 => the james taylor quartet => evil thoughts => CD
"The oscillator" Rootdown ROOT9009 '03
25 => the james taylor quartet => man from the moon =>
CD "The oscillator" Rootdown ROOT9009 '03
26 => al jarreau => use me => comp "Ultimate soul"
Dynamic DYN2114 '04
27 => sarolta => l.o.v.e. => comp "Get ready - UK floor
fillers vol 3" Psychic Circle PCCD7017 (orig. '66)
28 => kris ife => hush => comp" She's a heartbreaker -
UK floor fillers vol 4" Psychic Circle PCCD7026 (orig. '67)
29 => toni mccann => no => comp "Destroy that boy" Ace
CDCHD1224 '09 (orig. '65)
30 => the chantels => well, i told you => comp "The
answer to everything" Ace CDCHD1166 '07 (orig. '61)
31 => she trinity => he fought the law => comp "Destroy
that boy" Ace CDCHD1224 '09 (orig. '66)
32 => wild billy childish & the chatham singers =>
evil thing => LP "Juju Claudius" Damaged Goods DAMGOOD327LP
33 => catacombo => enemy in me => LP "Fake youth
culture" Caltiki CTK004 '03
34 => radio moscow => black boot => LP "Brain cycles"
Alive 0093-1 '09
35 => john d. loudermilk => tobacco road => comp "You
heard it here first" Ace CDCHD1204 '08 (orig. '60)