2006 October shows HOME
2006-10-01 Ungawa 106. FM
no show because of special broadcast from the African film fest
2006-10-08 Ungawa 106.7 FM
no show because of special broadcast concerning the elections
2006-10-15 Ungawa 106.7 FM
no show because of special broadcast from the alternative book festival
1 => preston epps => bwana bongos
=> 7" on Donna Do1367 '62
2 => billy joe & the checkmates => forbidden planet => 7" on Dore 697 '64
3 => stacy bengal & his six outfielders => i come to demolish cleveland => 7" on
Hanover 4534 '59
4 => buddy merrill => holiday for guitars => 7" on Accent AC1200 '66
5 => lorenzo smith => too much firewater => 7" on Marvel MV-GL-2700 '64
6 => the delegates => pigmy pt2 => 7" on Aura 4504 '65
7 => hank jacobs => summertime => 7"EP on Sue/Ensign ENS '83 (orig. '64)
8 => les pros => patrick-jerk => 7"EP on Boum Bomo W7508 '6.
9 => the blues project => the way my baby walks => 7" on Verve Folkways KF5032
10 => the spats => go go yamaha => 7" on Sparton 4-1379R '65
11 => the motions => long hair => 7" on Mercury 72297 '64
12 => the loading zone => i couldn't care less => 7" on Columbia 4-43938 '66
13 => the blues project => i can't keep from crying => 7" on Verve Folkways
KF5032 '66
14 => hank jacobs => so far away => 7"EP on Sue/Ensign ENS '83 (orig. '64)
15 => the motions => beatle drums => 7" on Mercury 72297 '64
16 => billie joe & the checkmates => slauson, baby, slauson => 7" on Dore 697
17 => preston epps => mister bongos => 7" on Donna Do1367 '62
18 => stacy bengal & his six outfielders => who's on first => 7" on Hanover 4534
19 => peter laine => tiger walk => 7" on Soul Vista 1006
20 => jerry & the upbeats => sour apples => 7" on United Artists UA547 '62
21 => the locos => guantanamera rock => 7" on RCA-Victor 47-8931 '66
22 => les pros => i'm a believer => 7"EP on Boum Bomo W7508 '6.
23 => the loading zone => times are gonna be different => 7" on Columbia 4-43938
24 => the shells => whiplash => 7" on Conlo 45-879 '6.
25 => the carnaby street set => tender savage => 7" on Columbia 4-44092 '67
26 => jerry & the upbeats => the crow => 7" on United Artists UA547 '62
2006-10-29 Ungawa 106.7 FM
(100-minutes show)
1 => mike sharpe => spook-a-lou
=> 7" on Liberty 55988 '67
2 => skipper ryle => wolf gal => 7" on Saxony 1004 '63
3 => don & juan => chicken necks => 7" on Lost-Nite LN219 '61
4 => the candy johnson show (feat. the exciters) => the hook => 7" on Canjo
C-101 '64
5 => ronnie tyler & the knighthawks => mad maggie => 7" on Avant Garde 61.001
6 => the magi => rockin' crickets => 7" on Wand 197 '65
7 => the ramrocks => pasha => 7" on Press 45-2804 '62
8 => skipper ryle => the puddy tat song => 7" on Saxony 1004 '63
9 => mike sharpe => surgassa => 7" on Liberty 55988 '67
10 => the magi => double tough => 7" on Wand 197 '65
11 => the candy johnson show (feat. the exciters) => ooh poo paa doo => 7" on
Canjo C-101 '64
12 => jon kennedy => pop-eye time => 7" Bingo 111 '62
13 => ronnie tyler & the knighthawks => montezuma => 7" on Avant Garde 61.001
14 => r. & the r's => hunga hunga => 7" on Ideal 544 '70
15 => the k-otics => i'm leaving here => 7" on Bang B-521 '66
16 => buckinghams => don't want to cry => 7" on USA 844 '66
17 => the grass roots => let's live for today => 7" on Dunhill D-4084 '67
18 => bob seger => east side story pt2 => 7" on Abkco 4015 '66
19 => ian whitcomb & bluesville => fizz => 7" on Tower 120 '65
20 => buckinghams => i'll go crazy => 7" on USA 844 '66
21 => hugo montenegro => tony's theme => 7" on RCA-Victor 47-9712 '68
22 => melba moore => the magic touch => 7" on Kent TOWN119
23 => the sandpebbles => soul keeps rolling along => 7" on Calla C-153 '68
24 => koffie => you put a wall between us => 7" on Philips 40554 '68
25 => the ideals => the gorilla => 7" on Cortland 733 '63
26 => koffie => you don't know/get ready => 7" on Philips 40554 '68
27 => jet harris => chills and fever => 7" on Decca 45-F-11466 '62
28 => the ramrocks => lasagna => 7" on Press 45-2804 '62
29 => freddy scott & the four steps => take a rest => 7" on Marlin 45-16002 '65
30 => toussaint mccall => shimmy => 7" on Ronn RONN3 '67
31 => the grass roots => depressend feeling => 7" on Dunhill D-4084 '67
32 => little caesar & the consuls => poison ivy => 7" on Mala MALA512 '65
33 => freddy scott & the four steps => same old beat => 7" on Marlin 45-16002
34 => chubby checker => gypsy => 7" on Pye 7N25620 '73
35 => wayne gibson => under my thumb => 7" on Pye DDS2001 '74
36 => brian auger & the trinity => what you gonna do? => 7" on Polydor 60061 '
37 => hugo montenegro => good vibrations => 7" on Tower 120 '65
38 => the five kins => havah nagila => 7" on Diamond D-232 '67
39 => buddy merrill => take five => 7" on Accent AC1200 '66